Rev. James Joryor Gberekpe Nedom was born in Biara of Ogoni into the family of Mr. Gberekpe Needom and Mrs. Naatora Needom on April 24, 1948.
Rev. J.J.G. Nedom got converted to the Lord in 1961 after hearing a morning call made by Mrs. Lily Eekpe. After his conversion to the Lord, his father a pagan could not tolerate his new faith in Christ and sent him out of the home. He then went to live with late Rev. P.G. Ndonanu in his church station in Biara. He then grew up under his ministry and was later sent to Pastor a church at Deken after which he went to Bible School to become a full time minister with the Assemblies of God Church Nigeria.
Rev. James Joryor Gberekpe Nedom was called into the full time ministry in 1966 after attending a World Tutorial Bible College Old Umuahia in 1963. In the Bible College, he was appointed a mail runner in the school (getting mails and sending mails to the post office) and was also a hair barber in the School.
In 1960, he had his First School Leaving Certificate from Methodist Primary School, Barako Gokana.
In 1966, he had Diploma of Theology Certificate from World Tutorial Bible College, Old Umuahia, Abia State.
In 1976, he enrolled in Correspondence World Tutorial College Great Britain and had Diploma Certificate in Public Administration and Diploma in Higher English.
In 1980, he entered Advance School of Theology, Ewu in Edo State and graduated in 1983 with B.A. Certificate in Theology.
In 1984. He had M.A. Certificate in Missiology from Patason University U.S.A. affiliated with Uyo Church of Christ Bible College.
Under his leadership, six sections that made up the Rivers Area namely Port Harcourt to Imo River, Gokana to Tai to Khana, Ahoada to Omoku, Eneka to entire Etche, Okrika, Eleme to Bonny and Oruma to entire Bayelsa, grew up to become a full-fledged District which gave birth to Rivers, Ikwerre, Ikwerre South, Ikwerre Central, Ikwerre North, Ahoada, Eastern Rivers, Northern Rivers, Etche, Eleme/Tai, Bayelsa, Bayelsa North, Bayelsa East and Bonny Districts.
In 1978, the land at Rumuomasi was purchased under his leadership and the present structure was put up and completed in 1979 to serve as the District Secretariat. Considering the influx of people called into the ministry, the Rivers Bible College was established.
From 1980 to 1989, he trained some missionary Pastors and sent them out to various strategic geographical locations in Bayelsa for intensive missionary work. His missionary compatriots on his team were Late Rev. S.S. Otobo, Rev. M.B. Ododo and Rev. C. Osomenya who went round Bayelsa for exploration.
By the time the General Council took over Bayelsa as General Council Missionary Area (27) Twenty-Seven Churches were planted.
Under his leadership, Twenty-Five acres of land was purchased at Aleto Eleme which was to serve as the District Headquarters and the permanent site for the Rivers Bible College (now Pentecostal Theology Seminary) in 1980. He laid the foundation of the Auditorium in 1984 and was completed in 1990.
Under his leadership also, he was able to recover the landed property that was sold at Ernest Ikoli and also transferred the District Secretariat from Rumuomasi to Ernest Ikoli Street, Old G.R.A., a very beautiful site.
Under his leadership also, the foundation of the District Superintendent building was laid at Ernest Ikoli and many more achievement.
Rev. J.J.G. Nedom against many opposition was able through the grace of God on him, built and established the Rivers Bible College known as Pentecostal Theological Seminary, which has produced so many great servants of God in Assemblies of God Rivers District and various other Assemblies of God Nigeria and other denominations. This school will continue to produce and train armies of God that will take the gospel of our Lord Jesus to various part of the earth until the coming of our Lord Jesus.
This school, P.T.S. is the footprint Nedom has left in the sand of time. Rev. James Nedom took over the administrative assignment of the then Rivers Area with just six sections but with the grace given to him was able through massive evangelism and God’s given wisdom and vision to build and nurture the Rivers Area into a full grown District that was divided into two Districts but presently has grown into thirteen administrative units.
James Nedom created a strong awareness in Andoni and Bayelsa then in Rivers State, so many churches were planted in Bayelsa which has now through the grace of God grown to three Districts.
The Fourteen Administrative units of the Assemblies of God Rivers and Bayelsa States is also the footprint James Nedom has left on the sand of time.
Apart from pastoring some churches such as Deken, Eneka, Silver Valley and 105 Aggrey Road, Rev. J.J.G. as he was fondly called, held these administrative positions:
Area Supervisor – 1972 – 1978
District Superintendent – 1979 – 1991
E.C. Member – 1982 – 1992
Caretaker Committee Chairman – Oct. 2005 – Sept. 2006
District Superintendent – Oct. 2006 – till death.
E.C. Member – Nov. 2006 – till death.
Rev. Nedom, also taught as Rivers Bible College for over Ten years, during which period he served as registrar and Dean of Students. He remained a member of the governing council of Pentecostal Theological Seminary until death.
Twice a District Superintendent, 1979 – 1991 and October 2006 till death, 2010 totalling 16 years. Twice an E.C. member 1982 – 1992 and Nov. 2, 2006 till death 2010 covering a cumulative period of 14 years.
Rev. J.J.G. Nedom passed on to glory on 3rd April 2010 at St. Patrick’s Hospital, Port Harcourt, fulfilled.